Monday, August 5, 2019

Indiana State Fair 2019

We headed to the State Fair on Saturday morning.  We were hoping to beat some of the heat!  Of course, we left Camden's participant ticket at home!  Thankfully, the ticket taker believed us and didn't make us buy a ticket for her.  

We stopped in several of the barns/buildings for various activities.

She did the "Little Hands on the Farm" path (even though she 'aged' out of it).  It has always been one of her favorite things to do.

When we made it around to the food vendors, Camden had to try the dilly dilly dog.  It is a hot dog, wrapped in a pickle, then dipped in corn dog batter.  She thought it was the best thing ever!  Kevin and my votes were just "eh."

We also got a strawberry shake and a coffee caramel shake from the dairy barn and Renella de Papas at a Puerto Rican stand.  Not as good as the rice and beans I had from mothers and grandmothers in New Jersey, but it was a nice dish.

After a few more stops at some exhibit halls, we hit the midway.

The weather was perfect and the crowds were low.  Camden was able to ride about 4 (or 5) rides and play 3 games.  The swing was SOOO high!

Then she rode the Blizzard (one of Kevin and my favorite rides as a child).  Camden agreed...especially when it went backwards!

We had no luck on the bottle game, but Camden did win the water gun game...and picked an adorable moose.

Our final stops were in the 4-H exhibit halls to see how Camden did on her two projects.   Blue ribbons in both food preservation and photography! 

We were interested to learn that all the perishable frozen foods were given to local homeless shelters and not displayed at the fair. 

1 comment:

carole said...

Great job on those 4H projects Camden! The fair looks like sooo much fun and the food - yummy!!