Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Vacation 2019: Ark Encounter

We left Saturday morning for Pigeon Forge/Gatlinburg.  We planned to only drive 1/2 way and stop for the night...not because it was that far, but we wanted to do something in Lexington, KY since we had not before.  After we left the Cincinnati area, we realized we were going to be so close to the Ark Encounter.  We had no interest in paying $50 (each!) to go inside, but I did want to walk around it.  It cost $10 to park, so we decided we would go.

They had the best playground area.  It was a perfect pit stop!  She played almost an hour on all the fun (and free) activities.  When you take a photo on "live", you also get a small video.  The short clips are fun picture/videos.


We needed lunch, so we shared a few meals from one of the snack shacks, then shared a rolled ice cream taco for dessert.  It was kind of Cold Stone Creamery but the ice cream is made on the frozen plate as well.  She selected strawberry with brownies.  

Once the ice cream is made/mixed, it is pressed flat on the cold pan until it is the right consistency to roll.

The rolls were put in a waffle cone taco shell then topped with whipped cream and more strawberry syrup and brownies.

It was huge (and messy)!  We were glad to share this unique treat.

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