Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Great Wolf Lodge Activities

There is always lots to do at the lodge.  We only do the free stuff!

Wiley the Wolf was roaming around for photo ops.

Story time at night was on a 3-D screen with some animatronic characters on the sides of the screen.  Really for the younger kids; these guys tolerated it.

The night "dance party" is designed for the older ones, but plenty of littles were running around.  These three really put their all into about 4 songs and then were worn out and ready to go back to the room.

Of course, the favorite was the arcade.  It was also the one that cost money...and was not a bargain.

Except Camden won the jackpot on this game so with 1000 tickets was able to get a few nice prizes.

She also got a few small toys out of one of the claws.

The next morning before we hit the water park, we came across a Bingo game and played a few rounds.  Camden and Braxton both got Bingo so were able to get a few items from the treasure chest.

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