Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Tomato Juice

We had close to two 5-gallon buckets full of tomatoes picked and ready to can.  We went to GaGa and Raymonds since they have a tried-and-true process, plus necessary equipment.

Kevin headed over before I got off work and the three of them had the process underway.  I stepped in and helped at one of the stages.

Step one: Raymond cut the stem of the tomato, any spots, and in half to give to Kevin to process in the blender.

Kevin passed them to me to run through the grinder to remove the pulp and leave "clean" juice.

The juice come to a rolling boil in the big pot and then boils for 7 minutes. Raymond then puts a teaspoon of salt and a teaspoon of sugar (optional) in each hot jar (from dishwasher/hot water in sink) before passing to me to fill with the juice.

Kevin tightens the lid and sets on the counter to cool and seal.



Eighteen and one half...back ones with sugar and front without.

Such beautiful juice.  And all sealed!

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