Thursday, November 3, 2016

Trunk or Treat

Our next two events were also at churches around the southern end of Montgomery County.  One of the larger churches does a wonderful Trunk or Treat event.  The cars are all decked out and there are usually a few bounce houses and other games to try.

Those are llamas in the background.

It was getting late and dark.  I was experimenting with the best camera setting so got a few crazy pictures. 

We only had about 30 minutes here before the event ended, but it was a perfect amount of time and we got to everything.  Next we headed to the church where she went to preschool.  They were having an event that culminated in trunk-or-treat at 8pm.

We did the indoor activities.

She fished for a book a few times, won a round of the cake walk, and decorated her own bag to use for the trunk or treat.

By this time it was dark!  But we did get to a poke stop and capture a Picachu.  Camden enjoys Pokeman Go and loved that my friend Hope (who organized this event) had that as her theme.   

I was glad this event was small and didn't take much time because I was DONE.  Exhausted.  Ready to be home.  But we had a great time together and her bag was FULL!

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