Monday, November 7, 2016


Camden's class is doing a little bit on robots this year.  Her teacher told her about the local high school robotics clubs doing a robot demonstration at the Carnegie Museum in Crawfordsville on Saturday.  We made a quick stop to check it out.

The first one we saw was Camden's favorite.  It was a robot that was programmed to follow a ball.  We stood around in a circle and played "fetch" with it. Someone would lightly kick the ball and the robot would chase after it.  If it caught up to it before another kick, it would knock it away from itself.

She also did a fantastic job on operating one of the robots to pick up a tennis ball and move it to a hole.  We watched 3 kids before her struggle to understand how to use the joysticks (it was kinda like trying to figure out how to back up a trailer on the back of a pickup).  They got it, but it took a while.  Camden had it figured out in a few short maneuvers.  I was pretty impressed ('cause I would have been like the first 3 kids).

We were heading out and something in a science section caught her attention.  She spent some time exploring different items on a microscope slide before we left.

Our visits to programs here are always short, but we both learn and discover new things every time.  Plus it's were we keep our cheap family membership that gets us free admission to science/children's museums across the country.

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