Thursday, August 6, 2015

Wednesday Fun

The Crawfordsville Fire Department had a special day at the municipal pool.  Admission was free and kids would be served lunch (hotdogs, chips and a drink).  We wanted to go swimming this week, so this was a great deal!  I didn't want to take my big camera and have to keep track of it at a busy pool, and, of course, I forgot my phone on the charger.  No pictures of this fun day.

She took part in two diving board contest - biggest splash and best stunt.  Thankfully it was in age groups, but she still didn't stand a chance with the 7-9 year-olds.  She was pleased with her efforts though.

We had a great time and came home with a nice "tan".  Camden's skin is a nice blend between Kevin and I.  She looks like a pink/burn machine with her blonde hair and blue eyes (me), but she actually tans up nicely (Kevin).   Her shoulders were a little sore the next morning, but overall I don't get "Worst Mother of the Year" award for not putting on sunscreen (either of us).

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