Monday, August 17, 2015

Indiana State Fair

We made a visit to the fair on Sunday.  It was lots of fun - expensive - but fun!

It was a hot day, so we worked our way around our favorites highlights at the back stretch.  We love checking out the tractors, but their are also things in the Pioneer Village that we enjoy.

One new thing in this section (not sure how it fits with "Pioneer" but oh well!) was the Navy dive team.  The first guy jumped in and started waving to us. 

Then the kids could come up and play tic-tac-toe with him.

It was a draw!

Camden also like to follow the trail in the Praire Farms display and complete the task of working the farm.  She was obsessed this year with the cutouts for pictures.

She is "moo"-ing in each of the cow pictures.  Isn't Kevin just the cutest little girl?


She had to do little tasks at various stations along the path.  Her favorite is riding the tractor, but the pigs were cute too!


She also liked trying her had at hockey.

And, of course, had to get a pony ride.

We took the tractor-train around to the front side and allowed her to do a few rides and play a few games.  In between we had some food.  It was almost too hot to enjoy anything so we actually only got two hot things (corn dog and pepperoni roll) to share between the three of us (and Camden ate most of both!).  Then we got some ice cream from the Dairy Barn because that was a perfect thing to eat!

We had given Camden a limit on her spending at the rides/games and she was down to her last few dollars. She had to chip in her own money ($2) to do one last game and they needed one more person to join in.  Kevin decided to get it on it as well.  Camden was glad he did, because he ended up winning and she got a large prize (pink dolphin) to go along with the smaller prize (blue dolphin) she had won at an earlier game.

We made it back to the backside and finished our day at the DNR building with the final youth catch and release of the night.

She caught a beauty!

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