Friday, August 29, 2014

School Stories

I love our 10 minute ride to school in the morning.  I learn so much about her "life" and we just get to be silly together.  Camden usually eats her breakfast during this time, as well.  We usually do something like toast, fruit, go-gurt, string cheese, or her favorite of late - microwaved pancakes (syrup baked in).

A few weeks ago, Camden asked to bring her teacher an apple for snack.  Each kid brings their own snack and she "didn't want her teacher to be hungry."  Camden had finished her string cheese and said, "Can I just take one bite of the apple?"  I told her that if she was still hungry she could just eat the apple too.  "No, I still want to give it to Mrs. Gonczarow.", you can't take even one bite, silly girl!

On the way to church this past weekend, Camden was watching an old "Bubble Guppies" video about the first day of school.  When the kindergarten fish had nap time, Camden said, "We don't have nap time anymore."  Yes, we agreed, when you are in first grade, you no longer need naps.  "Yeah, all we do is work and play and work and work and work."  Her comic pause was perfect.  And hilarious!

Sure do love her!

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