Thursday, August 14, 2014

New Market Open House

The night before school started, we got to go to Camden's new school, see her classroom, drop off supplies, and meet her teacher.  We were not able to find out who her teacher was for the year until that night (don't ask me why the corporation did that this year, but they did).  We are pleased to find out she has Mrs. Gonczarow.  Yeah, say that 3 times fast.  I have had to practice it, but it's pronouced exactly like it's spelled once you get it.  Gon-ZAR-row.  That 'c' is confusing in the middle, but I just think of a russian czar and it helps!

Two of her favorite friends from Kindergarten are in her class - Logan and Tayton.  I think there are right at 20 students, but will have to get a solid count later.  Each student also has a locker in the hallway for their book bag, coat, gym shoes, etc.  They don't have locks on them, so it's just a big cubbie.

My first impression of her teacher is fantastic.  She is warm and friendly and everything you picture in a 1st grade teacher.  She also was a teacher of the year in 2013 so we know she is good!

All reports from Camden were an excellent first day!  She is very happy!

1 comment:

carole said...

Camden your teacher looks so nice. I'm glad you had a good first day of school! Love from Aunt Carole