Thursday, August 7, 2014

Cowboy Camp

Camden is spending this last week before school starts at Cowboy Camp. This is an all-day VBS program put on by a church in Crawfordsville.  It started 11 years ago at their church and has grown so much that they now hold it at our 4-H fairgrounds.  It is absolutely free and about 350 kids from the area attend.

I sat in on the opening program one day and was pretty impressed.  As someone who used to do this thing for a living and trained others to do it, it takes a lot for me to give my approval.  This camp gets it!  The group is divided into 4 teams with team cheers, flags, colors, etc.  They sing fun songs and get announcements before heading out to activities throughout the day.

They post pictures on Facebook each day so I've copied some of them that show the fun.  From what I can gather, they rotate through stations in the morning, have lunch, then do group activities.


But the highlight (and one of the main purposes of the camp) is horses!  The kids get to learn to ride but also to groom and care for them.



She has LOVED this experience and we will definitely be signing up next year.  Yee-haw!

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