Wednesday, July 23, 2014


I had decided not to let Camden go back to the VBS at the corner church since it is usually so chaotic.  It helped that she had swim lessons that week which interfered.  However, when cold temperatures and rain cancelled three days in a row, she was begging to go.  She loves it so I had to let go of my higher expectations.

Turns out, I was wrong.  They made VAST improvements in how things were run and this year was super good.  Even the closing program was done well.  Mostly because of the improvement in song selection.

The closing program was filled with singing...of course, our girl can project so well when she sings and most of the other kids don't so she "carried" most of the numbers she was a part of.  It's truly hilarious!

The entire group of Pre-K through 6th grade.  I think they said there were about 55 who attended this week.

There were only 5 1st & 2nd graders at the program.  Not sure how many were there that week.  Paxton came this year (he's only in Kindergarten, but older than the little kids so I think they put him in this group), along with two of her Waveland classmates (Brandon & Connor).

The 3rd and 4th graders joined in.

The also had an "open-mike" for kids to share their favorite thing about VBS.  Camden was one of the first to raise her hand (not surprising) and then was a bit stumped on what to say.  Rachel (the director) prompted her a bit and she finally said that her favorite song was the "ABCDEFG" song that her class performed.

Kuddos to the church for making strides toward a good VBS for our town.

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