Thursday, July 24, 2014

Birthday Party - The Main Attraction

Camden's birthday isn't until this weekend, but we had her party on Sunday.  Our brainstorm this year for a fun activity was a giant slip-n-slide.  Since our backyard has a perfect slope, we got a large (10'x50') sheet of plastic and a garden soaker hose.  We also bought tons of pool noodles, thinking we would use them to weight down the sides and create some pooling of water, but it turned out to be fine with tacking down a few key spots. 

In addition to family, Camden had her two best friends over, Paxton and Logan.  They really got into it and had a blast!

Even Tinkerbell took a few turns!


Amanda had to assist Presley the first time, but after that she was good to go.  Hoyt also tried a few times, but Hali didn't want a thing to do with it.


1 comment:

Jabraund said...

Aunt Carole & Uncle Ric didn't go down?? ;)