Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Easter Carnival - Part I

Since last year's carnival at Ivy Tech in Lafayette was so much fun, Camden and I headed there again on Saturday.  Her hunt was scheduled for 12:30pm, so we got there about 1 1/2 hours earlier and enjoyed the games, bounce houses, etc.


She has such good hand-eye coordination and is a good "tosser" in games.  She impressed several of the dental assistant volunteers who sponsor this event.



She tried the soda ring toss twice.  The second time was about 5 minutes before her hunt.  I tried to hurry her through, but the people in front were dilly-dallying.  By the time she had her turn (she insisted before going to the hunt - just about 20 feet from us), they announcer was giving the last instructions. 

She won two Sprites and we ran to the caution tape, just as some kids "jumped the gun" and began the hunt.  Needless to say, by the time she got past the adults cheering on the kids, all the eggs were gone.  Thankfully, she really didn't care (it was her third hunt after all, plus she was cleaning up at the carnival.

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