Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Columbian Park & Zoo

Camden's final field trip with her Preschool was on Tuesday.  They went to the Columbian Park Zoo.  It was on Kevin's day off, so he was able to go, too.  They rode the train when they first arrived and again before they left.

They had some fun free time on the huge playground.

This picture is just for you, Aunt Carole...I didn't put Camden's hair back in the morning and on a overcast, windy day it looks just horrible!  Note to self...when in doubt, pony tail.

I love that they were in my neck of the woods, so I met them at lunchtime and enjoyed about an hour with my two favorite people.

After lunch, they headed to the zoo.  Gavin is the boy in the next two pictures.  He and Camden are usually the last two picked up everyday so they have a fun friendship too.  He is a very silly kid with great parents who go to our church.  I'm glad to know that they will be friends as they grow up even if they won't go to school anymore together.

The zoo had newborn goats (just about 2 weeks old).  They were very friendly and docile with the children, but Kevin said the momma goats were a little concerned.

Camden now has a new favorite place.  She can't wait to go back to Columbian Park this summer.

1 comment:

carole said...

Ha Ha! In no time at all (blink of an eye) she will wear a ponytail holder around her wrist and put it on as soon as it bothers her-long before it bothers you:)