Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Camden's Jack-O-Lantern

After canceling the planned field trip to the pumpkin patch on Friday because of rain and cold temperatures, Camden's preschool ventured out yesterday in rain...and warm temperatures.  A few of the activities at the location were closed because of the weather, but Camden reports tons of fun and immediately wanted to carve her little pumpkin when we got home.
I asked her to wait until Daddy got out of the woods and the two of them set about the carving adventure.


After the lid was cut and the seeds and goop were scooped, Camden began detailing the face.

The first side features a fun, happy drawn-on face.  On the other side, she sketched a more scary visage and Daddy cut it out.

And with a small votive candle...SPOOKY!

We immediately put it on the porch for everyone to see.  I'm sure over the next week we will burn through a ton of votives (because, per Camden, we are NOT allowed to blow it out).

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