Monday, March 5, 2012

Imagine It! Children's Museum

Monday was our first day without Kevin while he was at class (reminds me of my honeymoon).  We headed to the Atlanta Children's Museum.   Unfortunately, I didn't discover my camera was on the wrong setting for several pictures, so please excuse the blur.

The special exhibit is Clifford The Big Red Dog.  The whole island was recreated with each character having a special section. 

And Clifford himself made an appearance.

I loved the moon sand exhibit.  I'd seen this stuff in many stores, but had never played with it.  We both enjoyed it and I think a new purchase will be on the horizon in the near future.  We need some of this stuff for play time at home.

Camden was fascinated by the moving contraptions that allowed her to make plastic balls go up conveyors or be dumped by huge bulldozers.  More than an hour was spent between the moon sand and the wheels and cranks of the balls.

There was a cool "Paint the Wall" section.

Ta-da!  What a masterpiece!

This train exhibit didn't keep her attention but a few moments...sorry Yardmaster Daddy!

We stayed for a brief program.  Camden even got a small "role" in the production.

Finally, we found the water section and she fished and played for the rest of the time.

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