Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Hippo Hop

Tuesday was slightly overcast and drizzly, so I looked for another indoor activity for Camden and I while Kevin was in class.  She recently discovered that she actually DOES like bounce houses and so Hippo Hop was our destination.  It was just down the road from our hotel and was a perfect excursion!

Being three meant Camden was at the perfect age to enjoy both the little activities (3 and under) or the big ones (3 and over).

She went down this big slide over and over.  And screamed each time.  She's hit this phase where she loves the sound of her screams when she's truly enjoying something.  In fact I called her over and gently told her she didn't have to scream like that to which she looked me in the eye, smiled a huge smile and said, "oh yes I do...I love it."

Another nice thing about Hippo Hop was the general play areas.  They had lots of other toys to play with in the large warehouse building.  Camden and a new buddy (who followed her everywhere) enjoyed a few games of air hockey (on a full-size table).

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