Friday, June 24, 2011

Toes and Wishes

Camden got to spend the evening with her GaGa on Wednesday so that Kevin and I could have a night out.  She came running in the house afterward dancing and waving her hands and feet.  Kevin quickly interpretted and told her to show me.  GaGa had painted Camden's nails...fingers and toes.  Can't believe she sat still long enough to do that, but Camden told us she "painted."  That was the magic word because she does a lot of painting projects at school and loves to paint her arms with markers.  GaGa and Camden always have such fun when they are together.

It's also GaGa's special day today.  Your card, complete with a drawing of you (with a BIG smile), is on it's way.  Camden and I will interpret the rest of the picture when we see you.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY, GAGA!

1 comment:

carole said...

Happy Birthday GaGa and wowee to Camden. Those are some pretty snazzy nails Camden! Pink is my favorite color and those toes are adorable in pink:)