Monday, June 13, 2011

Strawberry Festival

This weekend was Crawfordsville's annual Strawberry Festival.  I had never gone before (so neither had Camden), so we got Kevin out of bed a little early on Saturday afternoon and headed to the fun.  I have to say again how much I love the festivals in Crawfordsville. They are small enough to be able to enjoy and yet you see good things and run into lots of people that you know.  We could even take Camden in her stroller so we could move at a good pace and not have to worry about containing her in the crowd, but also not feel like we were in everyone's way.  

There was a tractor show and a car show. 

Lots of food booths.  Kevin and I had eaten before we went (so we wouldn't be tempted by all the fried yumminess), but Camden needed dinner. She selected a pretzel with cream cheese.

Then we headed to the children's section.  It had lots of good booths.  Several bouncy house things, game booths (sponsored by local churches or clubs), and PONY RIDES!

Camden loved it!  She has liked the idea of horses a lot lately.  We've been reading a few books about them, too.  So she selected the one she wanted to ride, got right up on it, and enjoyed the entire experience.  Kevin walked beside her, but she didn't need him close to feel comfortable.

Of course, Camden had to enjoy a strawberry treat before we left.  She selected homemade ice cream with fresh strawberries on top.  The red tractor in the background is actually running a belt that churned the ice cream maker.  It was a big scoop of ice cream with tons of berries on top.  Camden couldn't begin to eat the whole thing, but she sure enjoyed it!

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