Thursday, June 2, 2011

Alligator Time!

The temperature got high enough over the weekend that we got the alligator pool up for the summer.  Talking about it with Camden before we set it up revealed that she didn't remember the pool from last summer. soon as it was up, she became obsessed.  We have to keep the shade open on the window overlooking the back deck so she can check on her alligator regularly. 

We have a whole series of jumping pictures.  If you scroll through them quickly it's like one of those old flip comic books that look like motion.  I only posted one (since they are essentially the same) and you see the hair flying and the small splash.

I was mowing while she (and Kevin) were at the pool. She saw the shed door open and wanted to ride the "freewheelers."

Of course, "vroom, vroom" noises are required.

After the yard was done, we enjoyed dinner outside and playing on more toys.  She hasn't quite got pedaling down, but she loves her scooter and bike.

Kevin came up with a solution to pushing her on the bike that was much easier on our backs.

Camden, of course, had to give it a try, too.

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