Monday, June 13, 2011


As we were walking around the festival, Camden kept saying, "I want a bag."  It didn't take us too long to catch on that she wanted the bag that tons of other kids had - the one with a new goldfish.

We made our way to the booth, paid our one ticket, and Camden got 3 balls.  On the second shot...

...Camden had her bag...goldfish and all.

She proceeded to squeeze it and shake it and poke it the rest of the time she held it.  Which, was not too much longer, once we realized she was going to continue to "love" it in such a manner.

We got it home and got a glass vase out.  We let the fish acclimate to the new water for a few hours.

Then Camden helped Kevin open the bag and dump the fish into the bowl onto the floor!  Kevin scooped it up (fearing we now had sealed it's fate, since you aren't supposed to touch one).

The fish swam around and seemed fine. 

Camden learned how to pinch a little food and feed her fish.

The next morning when the fish was still swimming along, we told Camden we should name it.  We made a few suggestions until we landed on one that everyone liked.  Sunshine.  We're keeping the bowl on the table for now and Camden likes saying "hi sunshine" and "bye sunshine" everytime she goes through the kitchen.  She really likes her first pet...although I'm still holding my breath for how many days we will have with Sunshine.

1 comment:

carole said...

We've picked many a fish up off of the floor because of the kids "help":) Hopefully Sunshine lasts for a little while and Camden can enjoy this simple, no fuss pet.