Thursday, March 24, 2011

Ear Update

Yesterday we returned to the ENT in Indy for a follow-up to make sure there was no fluid behind her ear drum.  This was the final step in determining if the ordeal earlier in the year was "real" and if tubes would be necessary.  The final verdict....everything is clear.  No need for any procedures!

We have spent the last week getting Camden ready for this appointment.  Lots of talking about it.  Promises of no shots and no bandaids.  Talk of going to the "cow place" (Chick-fil-a) afterward - if she didn't throw a fit.  Reading books about Big Bird and Elmo going to the doctor.  By the time we were driving to the appointment she was excited to be going.  "No scream, no cry."  "Doctor - yea (clapping hands)!" Good!

That was until we pulled into the facility.  "This isn't the doctor, Mama."  Uh-oh.  "I want the elephant" (one of the rooms at her pediatrician has an elephant examining table.  We had talked once about it not being at her regular office, but I didn't really realize she didn't get it.  "I'm scared." We talked briefly (it was 15 minutes until her appointment) about being scared and that nothing different was going to shots, no bandaids, cow place afterward. 

She was fine in the waiting room.  But she wouldn't walk onto the scale (typical reaction, just not sure why).   Tried bribes, but ended up having to weigh her on the "baby scale."  Not a good start.  Waited in the room and read about Big Bird at the doctor again.  When Dr. Trigg came in, we had some whimpering.  I had to hold her on my lap and she cried the whole time, but she didn't throw a fit and she let him look in each ear a LONG time.  I figured that was a big step forward.  She really was trying her hardest. 

On our way out (and on our way to Chick-fil-a),  I thanked her for letting the doctor examine her without throwing a fit.  I talked about doing better next time and simply letting the doctor do what he/she needed to do.  I tried to reassure her by saying that it wasn't bad and the doctor didn't hurt.  "Yes it did, Mama."  One day, I hope she isn't scared about going to doctors...too many bad experiences have left her feeling overwhelmed each time....I can live with baby steps for now!

1 comment:

ashley.and.graham said...

Sounds like she did an AMAZING job!! Way to go, Mom, for all the work it took to help her get to this point.