Monday, December 6, 2010

Advent: Day 5 - O Christmas Tree

Time to trim the Christmas tree!  We decide to go one more year with the pitiful "Charlie Brown" artificial tree.  Next year, Kevin will re-start the tradition of pick out a real tree with Camden (he always did it with Austin).

Camden helped with all aspects of set-up and decorating.  She put the tree skirt on.

Got out the lights and helped string them...although Daddy thought they looked best on her!

She was a little obsessed with putting on the ornaments.  Though she often needed extra help; those hangers are pretty hard to handle.

She was happy with the finished product and spent the evening "touching" up the tree.

1 comment:

ACJ said...

Gina! This is so awesome! You're doing it... I love it. These are sweet traditions we're starting with our small people I think. I loved your dance party, and may have to trade out one of ours for a game night. Thanks for updating on your progress - it's making my heart glad.