Thursday, December 16, 2010

Advent: Day 13-16 - Lots of Activity

It's a good thing Camden can't read.  She looks so forward to opening the envelope, but our schedule has been so busy.  I sometimes make the activity on the card something that's a little more convenient to what is actually going on.  Most days we actually do one of the advent activities just maybe in a different order.  Only on Tuesday did we not do one (I had to work late).  But Kevin and Camden went to GaGa's and Grandpa's for dinner which is a special treat and a perfect advent activity.  On Monday we read another scripture passage and Wednesday we went out for dinner.  Today is my birthday and we finally have an evening at home, so enjoyed dinner by candlelight.

Truth be told, we only spent the first few minutes by candlelight because Camden preferred having the lights on...but she loved blowing out the candles (after a rousing round of "happy birthday to mommy").

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