Saturday, December 18, 2010

Advent: Day 17 - Play in the Snow

Our day got a little derailed at 5am when Kevin had to go to the emergency room with severe pain in his abdomen.  Camden missed her school party and I missed my work party, but Daddy is okay, so we don't mind!  Additionally, the change in schedule let us get home a little earlier in the afternoon so that Camden and I could go outside and play in the snow before it got dark.

We had left her Elmo toy outside and she's been so concerned that it was covered in snow, so the first thing she did was go clean him off.

 Next, her slide needed to be taken care of, too.

Then we had a small snowball fight.  Unfortunately (or fortunately), the snow wasn't very good packing snow.

A trailer is parked in the side of the yard from a recent hunting excursion, so we had to go play on it for a while.  Camden is like a little Dennis the's a constant road to the next thing to explore and touch and play with.

It's too bad she has a wimp for a mother, because I got cold and was ready to come inside way before she was...

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