Tuesday, January 26, 2010

It's That Time of Year

Camden has had a wet cough the past week and was wheezing and crying in her sleep this weekend. I know bronchitis, pneumonia, and RSV is going around, so I thought I'd better get her into her pediatrician.

The doctor did a quick examination...mainly 'cause Camden was fighting it all the way. Boy is she a strong one! Dr. Nag basically downplayed her cough. "It's that time of year." That kinda bothered me until she said, "But she does have an ear infection and a sore throat." WHOA!

Poor baby. When I think about it, she had been tugging on her ears on Sunday. So we've got some bubble gum flavored antibiotic for the next 10 days. UCK!

And Gramma...I like my dress. I wore it to church a few weeks ago. It's a little big, but it will probably fit me next fall/winter too. Thank you! I luv you - Camden


ashley.and.graham said...

oh no, that is not good news at all. I feel like we've had our fair share with E's cold that lasted a month over the holidays. at least they did find something with Camden so you know how to make it better. hope y'all are all feeling well soon!

laura m. edwards said...

ashley - i can't access your blog to see updates and pics of eden, can you send an invite? when i tried to click your name, it wouldn't let me access it. hope you are all doing well!