Thursday, January 21, 2010

Lunch with Gramma

From all the pictures it looks like all we fed Camden at lunch was whip cream and cookies, but she actually had a very healthy, veggie-filled lunch before indulging in pudding and cookies. We all thought she looked too cute with the whip cream mustache to not post.

She loved having Gramma there to help her eat and to talk to and to give her so much attention.

It was a fun lunch and we are so glad we took the time make the visit. We also decided that since we were already there, we would shop at the Edinburgh outlets instead of in Indianapolis. Kevin and I both found some shoe bargains for ourselves...and some adorable outfits for Camden. The OshKosh B'Gosh store proved to be Kevin's weakness. I had him run in there while I went to another store. By the time I got back to him, he had selected 4 new outfits for his baby girl. For someone who normally hates shopping, he did a great job. They are so adorable!

One of Camden's favorite parts of the shopping excursion (and the life saver for our backs) was the stroller we rented. I hadn't packed ours because I figured we would be at stores with carts. She loved driving her car the whole day and didn't fuss about being contained like she does in a normal cart. Worth every penny!


Alette Grace said...

what's wrong with whipping cream and cookies for lunch? tee hee. Camden is beautiful-looks like you are having a lot of fun being a mom!

A Malaysian Shadowhunter said...

she looks so cute..

Grandma Pat said...

Hi, Sweetie Pie!
What a treat it was to eat lunch with you this week! It was a wonderful surprise! I hope we get to spend lots of time together as you grow up. We plan to be in Lafayette the weekend of Valentine's Day, so maybe we can see you then. I'm glad you had a fun day of shopping with Mommy and Daddy. We'll see you soon.
Love, Gramma Pat