Wednesday, October 14, 2009

House Showing

I got a call at work on Monday morning at 11am from our real estate agent. Could we show the house at 5pm? The house was a mess and we had to be at the high school at 3pm to feed the soccer team dinner before the sectional game. "Sure!"

Fortunately it was Kevin's day off from work, so he could begin picking up. I wrapped things up at work and got home by 1pm. We both were feverishly cleaning and Camden desparately needed her nap. She kept getting underfoot, wanting to attention. I put her in her high chair and she amused herself for a bit...a few chocolate goldfish crackers didn't hurt, either.

Kevin came into our bathroom that I was cleaning and told me to come look. Camden was so tired and since we couldn't stop to hold her and put her down properly, she did the only thing possible thing - fell asleep in her high chair. Poor, adorable baby girl!

The house looked fantastic when we left for the school. Tuesday our agent called and informed us that the couple didn't end up showing up. UGH!

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