Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Daddy's Tractor

One of Kevin's favorite toys as a boy was a tractor. He always wanted to be a farmer like his grandpa. He still has one of his John Deere's from childhood...and occassionally still adds to the collection with Christmas and birthday wish lists.

We have them displayed in a case in one of the bedrooms and Camden loves to look at them when she sneaks into that room. Recently I let her play with her dad's old toy. She has recently started making "vroom, vroom" noises near gators and tractors and lawn mowers, etc. This little tractor gave her the opportunity to put the new skill to more use.


Grandma Pat said...

Hi, big girl!
It's such fun to see little glimpses of your day-to-day life! You are so intent on everything you do. Love to see the cute fall clothes, too. You're always so adorable whatever you're doing or wearing. We had fun at the zoo with you and Mommy & Daddy. We'll see you soon! Love you all!
Gramma Pat

ashley.and.graham said...

if eden could see this photo she'd be so jealous. she would absolutely L-O-V-E that. just this morning she had to look out the window right when she woke up to find the big truck that she heard making noise outside -- too cute.