Sunday, October 12, 2008

Favorite things

One of Camden's favorite things continues to be snuggling with her Daddy. The other day they both were exhausted and took a nap on the couch.

Another favorite activity is holding her hands in front of herself. She used to keep them in a tight fist, but she is slowly starting to discover that they can open and grasp things. She often finds the hem of her shirt or dress and grabs and lifts. We'll have to change that habit over the next few years or we'll have a little flasher in preschool! Today she just enjoyed grasping her own fingers.

These are just two of Camden's favorite things. Here is my favorite thing...


Grandma Pat said...

Hi, little pixie! You sleep like a little angel, but look impish with your eyes open! Your eyes and mouth remind me of your Mommy and your Grandpa Don in these pictures. Sometimes you look more like your Daddy. Those little hands look ready to get into mischief! Love you, precious! Grandma Pat

ashley.and.graham said...

she is just so cute!!! i love the bow and the photos! miss y'all!