Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Cincinnati, Day Three

On our last day in this fun little city, we ate at a local greasy spoon. We were hopping for a "Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives" experience, but instead just got an average breakfast at a really dirty establishment. There were some interesting features of the place, including old jukeboxes at every table (more than 1/2 of which didn't work) and a mechanical band that played when the few remaining jukeboxes were used.

Apparantly this is a great place to come at 1AM when you want breakfast and to hang out with other locals. Oh well....

We drove through downtown Cincinnati and the riverfront area to see the Bengals & Reds stadiums before heading to the Museum Center for the morning. This old Union Station houses 5 museums in one. It has a grand central terminal area with ticket booth, food options, seating, and entrances to the various museums.

If Camden were older this would be an exceptional place. We still enjoyed strolling through all the areas and seeing that when she is 5, we would want to visit the Children's Museum. We both really liked the Cincinnati History Museum, which I thought would be the least enjoyable. From the miniature train exhibit of Cincinnati since the 1920's to the machining tool section, we give this place two thumbs up.

But the best part of this day was stopping in Columbus, IN and seeing Grandma Pat and Grandpa Jim. Camden got held and kissed and loved on to her heart's content!

Camden loved her time with Grandma!


Grandma Pat said...

What a lot of adventures you had on your trip to Cincinnati, Camden! I'm really glad you could stop to see me on the way home. You're holding your head up so high and getting bigger and stronger every time I see you. You're almost 3 months old now! I love you, beautiful baby! Grandma Pat

Carole and Ric said...

I love seeing Camden with Grandma! She is really changing so quickly! Her eyes look so wide and she is obviously looking around at her surroundings more! Just think about what her next trip to the zoo will be like! She will love the animals and be making their sounds by next summer! Love, Aunt Carole