Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Cincinnati: Findlay Market

Before we left town, I wanted to go to the Findlay Market to grab some lunch.  The main aisle had lots of meat counters, cheese vendors, bakeries, and a few food options.  We bought a bag of true Belgium waffles (great heated the next morning in the toaster) and sampled a couple of Greek savory pastries.  Camden, of course, wanted the giant pickle that she got the last time we visited.

Camden requested sushi, but there was not a restaurant here that offered it.  We stumbled across the Arepa Place and I suggested we grab something here.  They served arepas and empanadas.  The latter being one of my favorite things to get at a Puerto Rican storefront in Camden.  I hadn't had one in years.  And this place did not disappoint.

We got a chicken and a beef empanada, as well as a beef and a vegetarian (black bean, cheese, sweet plantains) arepa.  We also got to select a few different salsas.  

I think my favorite was the vegetarian, but I would get anything from here again!

Camden was pouting because there was no sushi and I wouldn't drive somewhere else, so she didn't get anything.  But then she reluctantly agreed to try a bite of the empanada and decided they were amazing.  We also wanted to try the Sweet Plantain Chips with guacamole, so got a to-go order of them along with a couple of empanadas for her.  While I waited for these, Kevin and Camden went to Dojo Gelato and got a few scoops to share.  This Italian treat was the perfect ending to a delicious lunch.

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