Monday, January 28, 2019

2019 Sock Hop

The Sock Hop is usually held in December, but our DJ couldn't do it then, so we moved it to January.  This is always such a fun event.  Since it's my last year at NME, I have been transitioning all the events I run to other moms.  I did a lot of "coaching" but she took care of most of the details and it was seamless.

Camden was leaving for Winter Camp this same day, so she couldn't go to the 3rd-5th grade sock hop in the evening.  I let her stay after school for the younger kids (K-2nd) as a helper.  But she did a lot of dancing too.

The photo booth is always a hit.  I asked Camden if I could be in a set with her, but while waiting had to take care of something.  I made it back just in time to sneak in her last picture.  Then we did a set together.

She headed back later and got a set all to her self.  She is a ham!

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