Monday, January 7, 2019

Christmas Eve & Morn

Our tree was lovely and presents were wrapped and under it, our bodies were saying we weren't going to have a festive Christmas.

Camden got sick in the middle of the night and woke up on Christmas Eve with a migraine.  She so wanted to go to GaGa and Grandpa for our traditional evening with them - especially since Aunt Sharon was in town and Camden was itching to play Tenzies with her.  Kevin went over for a bit.  But it was the first time we have ever missed it!

I was coughing pretty bad and Camden still wasn't feeling well, so we called off the Christmas morning plans, too.  Gramma Pat, Papaw, and Austin had to fend for themselves.  Camden and I slept in while Kevin took Aunt Sharon to the airport.  But by 9:30, she was asking to open presents.  I let her do her stocking.

I could still see sickness in her eyes and knew that she wasn't up for a full day.

Kevin got home shortly after and we opened our stockings.

We parred down the amount of gifts this year.  We had to put a few of her stocking stuffers under the tree because they didn't fit in her stocking, including this adorable pink flamingo plush, a 1-lb gummy bear, and virtual reality glasses.  These normally would have been a gift (and probably not given), but we found them on clearance for a ridiculously low price.

Everyone then got something they wanted, something they need, something to wear, and something to read.  Camden got three books, a cute kitten sweater, a binder with sleeves for her Pokemon cards, and...and X-Box.

We didn't quite make the 4 gifts perfectly for each other, but still appreciated it all.  Kevin got some underwear, devotional book, and a new remote start fob for his truck (combined want/need).  I got a subscription to a magazine, a diffuser, a back massage seat pad, and tickets to the musical, Hamilton!

Since we weren't having a crowd, we didn't have our traditional monkey bread for breakfast, but we did still manage to have eggs, sausage, hash browns, and toast (with homemade bread).  Quit a spread!

We all rested in the afternoon...and enjoyed a quiet day together.

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