Friday, January 12, 2018

Infected Hang Nail **UPDATE***

Camden woke up Monday with a sore pinkie on her left hand. It was a little swollen and had a green spot on it.  It did look like it probably hurt, but despite her cries, I wasn't keeping her home for a sore little finger.  I did take her into the school nurse to get her opinion.  She concurred that it was an infected hang nail, that she gets them all the time (even the green spot) and soaking in Epsom Salt helps dry it up.  We started the home remedy that evening.

She cried herself to sleep that night and woke up in more pain.  It did look worse.  I sent her to school and called her doctor to see if we should come in.  They didn't open until 9 and in the meantime the school nurse called.  Camden had stopped by her office to show her and the nurse thought it should be seen.  It was getting worse.  Her teacher reported seeing a red line down the side of her finger.

We got in to the doctor that afternoon.  The first nurse thought it was "interesting" and said antibiotics would be prescribed.  She left and a second nurse came in just to see "the finger."  Dr. Joshi arrived and was met with "don't touch it" repeatedly when she tried to examine it.  Yes, antibiotics would be prescribed, but she also wanted to get a culture sample.  Camden laid on the exam table, I leaned over her to sooth her/kiss her face while the doctor began to squeeze the finger to extract some pus.  As you can imagine, I ended up having to restrain Camden pretty forcefully while she loudly pleaded for her to stop.  The culture was gotten and a second squeeze to remove more pus was done.  Loud, blood -curdling screams were emitted.  Thankful there were no other patients in the rooms!

We won't get culture results until Monday.  We got liquid antibiotic since that is slightly easier for Camden to take.  And I seriously mean only slightly.  She has to take a fairly large dose twice a day and it takes her a bit of time to get it down.  Hopefully it will continue to get easier.  The swelling went down after the appointment but was back flared up today.  The doctor wants her to continue to soak in Epsom Salt and for us to squeeze pus out if we can stay sterile and get her to do it.  By the look of it when I left for work, tonight Kevin and I will have to forcibly handle her since the pus is building up and needs to get out.  The next few days are going to be such fun!

I ended up calling the doctor on call on Saturday night because the pus sack was getting so large and red.  Kevin and I had just held her down and tried to squeeze it but it was not budging.  We thought we maybe should take her to the ER to get some of it out.  It was green and HUGE.  Much to Camden's delight, the doctor said to avoid the hospital because of too many flu germs and gave us permission to not try to squeeze it out.  Keep an eye on it, but the medicine should start working in the next 24 hours and the body will reabsorb it or start oozing on it's own.  With no threat of squeezing, she knew she had to take her medicine for things to get better.  We made a big countdown on the kitchen chalkboard and she takes the ginormous amount of medicine fairly easily now.

Saturday afternoon:

Saturday night it in the tub it oozed some and Sunday even more so.  It continued to look horrible, but she finally stopped constantly whining that it was hurting.  Besides church, we kept to the house so that we weren't exposed to anything that could get into her wound. 

Sunday morning:

This morning (Monday) she woke up and exclaimed that it was not hurting at all.  The pus bubble is way down and still oozing.  Thankfully she has an e-learning day (stay home to do school work and doesn't go to the building) so she has one more day to rest and let it heal.

1 comment:

carole said...

Oh dear - that looks so painful! Can you mix the antibiotic with Diet Coke or juice? Only slightly kidding. Love you Camden!