Monday, January 8, 2018

Christmas Morn

Gramma Pat came down the day before, we had a fun time at GaGa and Grandpa's on Christmas eve and Christmas morning was wonderful.

We had our usual breakfast...with the exception of pork patties and bacon from our hog.  The monkey bread was one of the best yet.  It was a great start!

Austin was late because his car was frozen, but he arrived in time for stockings and presents...and eventually breakfast.

Bath bombs are a new favorite and several were in her stocking.

Her "big" gift (well besides a dog) was a set of laser tag guns (6) and a capture the flag game that can be played with them.

We all enjoyed this walking, whinnying, wiggling pony.

She also got her own set of kids kitchen knives.

A few "flip" items - a pillow and a notebook, along with a new pair of slippers.

Gramma Pat got her a "make your own" gummy kit and her stocking had a gummy pickle in it.  That thing was disgusting and quickly made it's way to the trash can.  Hopefully the trolls will be better!

Can't even remember what turned the tongue blue, but it was a hit.

A fierce sit-down laser battle ensued.  Can't wait until it warms up and we can get a true game going.

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