Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Pumpkin Patch

Our last activity at Beasley's was a hayride to the pumpkin patch.  We always prefer to pick our pumpkins and not buy from a store.  We each pick one and we try to get a good variety.

I have never picked from a more beautiful patch.  Maybe because we usually pick later in the month, but there was nothing but perfect, round, bright pumpkins everywhere we looked.

Camden picked the big one this year.  It had one big scrap down the back side, but overall was a winner.  Kevin picked the small one and I found the missing tall and skinny one.

i also bought a cute new scarecrow for our front porch.  He is a snowman on the back!  I really liked him, but it was funny that Kevin whispered to me as we walked away, "It's not as cute as what Mom (GaGa) makes."  And I laughed because I was thinking the same thing  But it will do...and we still have our faithful scarecrow to place at another spot in the yard.

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