Thursday, July 13, 2017

Fireworks and S'mores

We bought some fireworks to set off at home.  We invited some friends over for s'mores and a show.  Rain caused us to postpone it from Friday to Saturday night, but it was a good time!

The kids especially loved the parachutes that exploded out of some of the fireworks.  We also bought some big boomers that lit up the sky!

We had 9 kids who enjoyed running around, bouncing on our small personal trampoline, and playing ghost in the graveyard when darkness fell.  Fireworks became a background for them.  Proof that kids want to run and play more than anything else.  I loved hearing their voices and screams and excitement.

Paige, our youngest at almost 2, mostly hung with the adults, but did chase the kids saying "ready or not" and "ghost in the graveyard" in her sweet little voice.

We had a great s'mores bar with options of Hershey bar, cookies and cream bar, Reese's cup, and chocolate frosting.  We also had fruit kabob rockets and brownies (which are also nice on a s'more)!

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