Thursday, April 6, 2017

Spring Break 17: Chicago Swimming

Once at the hotel, Camden immediately changed into her swimsuit so we could head to the pool.

We got down to the pool entrance, I put my key in the door, and Camden said, "I feel like I'm going to be siiiiccckkkk...." and threw up all over the carpet in the hallway outside the pool area.  Kevin took her back to the room and I waited for housekeeping to come clean up the mess.

She spent the next few hours throwing up every 15 minutes or so.  She also took about 4 showers.  That is her go-to remedy when she is not feeling well - hot showers.  She takes them whenever she is one was also had in the middle of the night (think 2am).  Whatever works.

The next morning she said she felt well enough to try the pool again.  She had slept and hadn't thrown up since the evening before.  It was the whole reason we got a hotel room, so we went for it.

This pool had a cool light that turned the water (and the room) a funky shade of blue.  She happily swam by herself for 45 minutes - entertaining me on the sidelines.

She spent about 10 minutes in the hot tub as well and then said she was ready to head back to our room.  I saw the look in her eyes that said she was not feeling well again.  It may have been too much exertion, but I don't think she would have missed the chance to swim.

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