Thursday, June 11, 2015


Camden has a phobia about getting stung.  She hates when bees or wasps are in sight.  Last summer she saw a little girl get stung by a bee while we were at Up the Creek (that plays has lots of them buzzing around).  The girl freaked out quite a bit and so Camden imagines that the pain must be unbearable.

And it happened!  Yesterday at summer camp, she got stung on the foot by a wasp.  She stepped on it while putting back on her flip-flops.  Thankfully, one of the office staff is a nurse and was able to get the stinger out relatively easily along with any "sack" that was in her toe.  She cried and probably put up quite a battle for them to deal with it.  She was monitored to make sure she didn't have any reaction and got to eat a popsicle. 

The top of her toe already had a popped blister on it so it looks quite pathetic.  It was still pretty red and swollen in the evening. 

And, no, she doesn't have any weird foot disease either.  The activity that day was tie-dye and, apparently, the kids did the job themselves!

So we have colorful feet and a creative design!

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