Wednesday, May 28, 2014

School Carnival

Each year, Waveland Elementary has a carnival.  It's usually held in the evening and has some small games ran by high school kids.  We went last year and Camden had a blast.  But this year, being the last year that WES is open, the PTO decided to have a big carnival.  They also decided to do it during the school day so that every child could attend and not just those whose parents could bring them back.  Like all the other events this year, the PTO went all out and did an amazing job.  

First up for Camden was face painting.  The two hired airbrushers were fantastic.  The were the high school/college age daughters of the man who owns the company and they were not only talented, but great with the kids.

Camden thought it tickled and couldn't sit still for much more than the basic color.  Lots of kids had very elaborate designs.

Since I was volunteering to help supervise, I got mine done too.  I actually have a half design of the same pattern as Camden.

A clown was hired to do balloon animals all afternoon.

There were also about 6 balloon houses - obstacle course, batting practice, bounce houses, football tosses, etc.

Snowcones and popcorn were given out.  It was a beautiful sunny day with perfect temps in the 70s but those snowcones were a much needed break!

Shortly after 2pm, we all had to go inside so that the carnival could be torn down to make way for the buses and parents to arrive.  We headed into the gym for a magic show.  This was one of the best kid-oriented shows I have ever seen.  This guy was fabulous and funny!

We are really gonna miss our small school and the wonderful community it is!

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