Tuesday, May 6, 2014


Camden's regular dentist found a cavity.  It is in her 12 year molars, so it needed to be dealt with. Unfortunately, her dentist was not sure Camden would cooperate without some sedation which they don't do.  She referred us to a pediatric dentist in Avon.  

Camden was comfortable from the beginning.  I think some of it was the office and some of it is her growing out of her fear of doctors and procedures from several traumatic experiences in her early years.  Maybe she's just growing up!?!

The dental assistant took her back for x-rays.  She had never "allowed" them in the past.  This time, she cooperated perfectly!

Afterward, the doctor introduced himself by doing a magic trick.  Then a good visual check.

Camden didn't resist at all.  Unfortunately, the x-rays showed more cavities than the one, so we are going back in another month to have them all taken care of.  They will actually put her completely under and take care of all of them at one time and put some sealers on the 2 permanent molars she has gotten in!

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