Thursday, May 1, 2014

Lake Waveland Hunt

Lake Waveland had a hunt on Saturday.  It was a beautiful sunny day and was perfect for the event!

Camden and I headed over and enjoyed the outdoors while we waited for the Easter Bunny to arrive.


There were tons of eggs divided into 3 age groups.  I knew she would have a bucket-full based on the number of kids in her groups.  I also knew that anything chocolate was probably going to be melty since it was so warm.  Oh well...melty chocolate is still chocolate!

She was super excited that her friend from school, Caylum, was there.

And then the bunny arrived...same bunny, same firetruck.  Our little town really works together on everything!

The hunt began and she filled her bucket.



ps:  yes, I know her shirt is on backwards.  She insisted because she "likes it that way."  Not a big deal in this mom's book.

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