Monday, March 24, 2014

Daddy - Daughter Dance

Camden was so very excited to go to another dance.  To have her daddy accompany her was the icing on the cake.  It was a semi-formal event, sponsored by Tri-Kappa and held at Crawfordsville High School.  Kevin didn't have a suit (and needed one), so we found a stunning camel colored one on sale (!).  When Camden saw him the first time in it she literally cooed, "Oh Daddy, you are just so beautiful."

We originally were looking for a green tie to match her polka dots but discovered it is a really odd shade of green.  We found lots that were green, but they just didn't go quite right.  Then we saw the bow tie.  I loved it at the store, but when he put it on, I thought it was the coolest!  They were such a sharp-dressed couple.


Camden picked her dress out.  She wore a white sweater over it and it was adorable.  It was a little more chilly (and windy) than I had expected and I wished I had bought her tights, but she survived the brief stints outside.

I loved watching this pair head off and see my dapper husband treat his baby girl with the usual tender, gentlemanly way he does.  Every girl deserves a daddy like this one!

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