Sunday, September 28, 2008

2 Months

The two month mark is here already. And it's actually been 9 weeks! It has been a pure joy to nurture our little one. We can't wait to see what is ahead.

She is eating 4-5 times a day and at least 5 oz. at each meal. She has been sleeping for 6-8 hour stretches at night, so we try to time it for her to go down about 10pm and then she's up between 4-6am. She usually starts snoozing about 8pm, but isn't really out (or "zonkered" as we call it) until the later time. She also sleeps a pretty good chunk every morning and another slot in the afternoon - although she tends to be in that snoozing stage, rather than hard sleeping. Which works fine since she sleeps so well at night. Overall, she is a very easy, serene, pleasant baby to be around. Believe me, we still call her, "Fussy Gus" a lot, but we can't complain about much...we are blessed (and I'm getting a decent night of sleep).

The comparison of her month-to-month growth is remarkable. She'll have her two month doctor's visit this week, so we'll have numbers to back it up, but she sure is changing and growing quickly.

Her position with the big bear this month was too cute. Take a closer look...

And another cute one...

What a doll!

1 comment:

Grandma Pat said...

Happy 2-month birthday, Camden!!
You're growing so fast that soon you'll be bigger than your big teddy bear! You get prettier every day! I love you so-o-o-o much. Love, Grandma Pat