Thursday, May 14, 2020

Planting the Garden

Finally!  The frost and low temperatures kept delaying the work.  By the time we made it to the greenhouses, things were definitely picked over and limited.  But I believe we got most everything we want.

GaGa and Grandpa came over and lent a hand.

Grandpa took care of making the holes, while Camden watered and GaGa placed the tomato plants.  Both of them replaced the dirt and patted them in to grow.  Kevin finished tilling the garden and I was general support wherever needed.

Camden took a break and rode her bike while the peppers, beans, peas, zucchini, cucumbers, cantaloupe, and watermelon were planted.  We forgot onion sets, so we got them the next day and got them planted.

We put some burgers on the grill and visited while social distancing in the family room.  While we waited, Camden showed GaGa some of her art and GaGa gave her a few pointers on how she draws eyes.

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