Wednesday, July 10, 2019

4H Non-Perishable Projects

We turned in Camden's 2 non-perishable projects on Saturday morning.  I had her stay for the judging so she could learn.

First up was photography.  She was the second one up and I could hear the first one getting some good advice and critic at places he could improve.  The judge took lots of time with him.  I was glad to see they were really doing teaching for the kids to get better.  On Camden's turn, I heard questions and wonderful answers from Camden.  She is a good speaker!  The judge was very pleased.  She loved the variety of pictures and Camden's detail about how she took them.  Thankful to Gramma Pat for helping us lay it out and get it looking extra pretty.

The judge just kept raving.  Then she said, "if this is selected to go to State, I would recommend..."  She gave it a blue star, so it is considered for Champion ribbons.  Her recommendation was we change the order we numbered the picture.  She said it's not a requirement, but something she knows can make a difference at the state level and can be changed between now and then.  She said Camden has great potential and really should continue taking pictures.  The I-Phone makes it so easy!

Next up was fine arts - painting.  Like last year, I was worried about it.  It came home for Painting with a Twist with some trouble areas.  Her New Market Art teacher is one of my friends.  Her son was also Camden's golf partner on Sunday's match.  I asked Mrs. Snook a few questions to help me help Camden and she offered to spend some time with her getting it corrected.  Kevin took her to their house one morning last week and Camden fixed some of the items.  I cleaned up around the edge after that visit.  But I was still a little worried.

Especially when I saw the judge critiquing others.  She seemed really intense.  But when Camden went up there, the judge was actually very impressed.  She raved about one particular (beautiful) part of the painting that Camden did really well.  Then she talked about a few areas of blending that she needed to work on (and told her how to do it correctly) and when doing a silhouette your outline has to be more sharp.  But she encouraged Camden to keep painting because she is on the right track and as a beginner did very well.  She gave her a blue star!  It will also be considered for Champion ribbon.

Not all Champions go to the state fair, so I don't expect her painting to go regardless of final results.  But we can't wait to she how her photography does.  We've got two more things due on Thursday - food preservation & foods.  Fingers crossed!

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