Thursday, February 14, 2019

Valentine's Day 2019

We went with the Fortnite theme this year.  This is the most popular game in the world right now.  A lot of the dance (the floss, the dab, etc) have come from this game.  Camden plays it a lot, as do most of her friends.

I printed off some cards that I bought from etsy and we taped them to Valentine's Oreo treats.  It took minutes and was perfect!  There were 8 designs in total, but a few samples:

Staying with that theme, we made her Valentine's box to be a supply drop box from the Fortnite game.  There are not usually words on the box, but I thought it helped make the connection...although the yellow balloon would have told most kids what it was.  In the game, this is just a plain yellow balloon, but since we couldn't do latex, this smiley mylar was her choice.

This actually turned out to be the easiest box we ever at 9pm on Wednesday night, it was perfect!

When she woke up this morning, she had treats waiting on the table.

She was hoping for a stuffed animal, and had to be reminded of a special one she got over the weekend (post tomorrow).  She needed a bit of an attitude adjustment on gratitude (and not taking her spoiled life for granted).  Thankfully, she did recognize it and changed her tune.

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