Tuesday, December 12, 2017

New Market Sock Hop

Friday afterschool (grades K-3) and evening (grades 4-6) was the annual sock hop at school.  Camden was so excited she was finally old enough to go to the night one.  She also was going to have a friend come home afterward and spend the night.

I was walking through the office getting things ready at about 2pm.  I saw Camden in the nurses office.  She had had 2 bloody noses that week, so I said, "Got another bloody nose?"  The nurse answered that she had a headache and was trying to take some Children's Tylenol.  She knew she needed to get those down or a migraine might undo her plans.

In the middle of the younger hop, my phone rang.  Of course, vomit, shower, headache...and a sobbing Camden.  A migraine was underway and only sleep would help.  Kevin called the grandma of the friend and Camden went to bed.  So disappointed and sad.

It was a great event.  A lot of Camden's friends kept coming up and asking for her.  They were very sad too that she was sick.

Younger kids have the lights on and run around.  Lots of teachers stick around to hang out and enjoy their kiddos.

We always have a girls and a boys dance off.

Our DJ and his wife are a wonderful couple and handle the huge group so well.  Over 180 K-3rd graders and about 170 4-6th graders attend.  It's a VERY popular event!

The older kids have the gym lights out and the DJ has some fun lights.

We also have a photo booth which is a favorite!

Some of my dearest friends...

We have a huge sign out system.  Parents are finally getting used to it and don't give us as hard of a time as they did the first year.  You'd think they would be happy that we are trying to keep their kids safe!

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